Thursday, March 31, 2011

more embarrassing than losing my keys on a daily basis...

looking over my blog this past month, i have been pretty pessimistic - i've had bad nights serving, gave birth to kidney stone #2 {i think...}, procrastinated on homework, and lost everything on my hard drive.  so on a more optimistic note, i have a slightly embarrassing and slightly hilarious story to share with you all today.

it all started at 10:00AM when i made my way for school.  i parked my car and attended all three of my classes {it was beautiful today by the way, i full on laid out on the grass during my hour break this afternoon}.  i didn't leave campus until after 4 in the afternoon - which is kind of a long day on campus for me - and i walked to my car like i always do.  when i got to where i had parked, i noticed my car was missing and that there were temporary construction signs all along the road informing people not to park there unless you want to get towed.  strangely enough, the place where i parked was empty. {seriously? how did i miss these this morning?} also, my phone was dead.  so i memorized the tow company's phone number and walked the rest of the way to our house.  when i got home, i called tanner in desperation - i was frustrated about the whole thing so tanner said he'd be on his way home soon to make sure we could get my car before they close.  then i called the tow company, which went straight to an anonymous voicemail.  so i decided i needed to go on a walk back to the crime scene to investigate the signs and to make sure i didn't somehow miss my own car {because wouldn't that be so embarrassing?}

i called tanner again on my walk back and our conversation went something like this:
me: i'm walking back to where i parked just to make sure i didn't miss my car.
tanner: did you really not look to see if your car was parked there?
me: well of course i looked, but i just don't think it really got towed. it doesn't make sense!
tanner: are you sure you didn't park somewhere else?
me: {pause} oh. my. gosh. 

yep. i definitely parked two blocks east of where i thought i parked and found my car undisturbed just where i left it and i'm having trouble deciding if this is better or worse than if i had actually just missed my car in the first place...


  1. oh brighton- i love you and this story so funny! Glad your car was not towed :) miss you guys xo

  2. hahaha that is pretty funny!!!

  3. seriously hilarious. i love you so much!
