Thursday, February 3, 2011

a white shirt and tie is NOT the new black and other ramblings

no, i am not the newest deacon off to pass the sacrament, this is just my new everyday look for work.  a white button down {or is it button up?} and a black tie my friends.

i am a waitress.

i have worked in restaurants since i was 16, which is -count them- coming on {ewww!} six years any day now.   but when i think back to the days of greasy oversized polos, khaki pants, slicked back bangs, saucy southerners and singing the happy birthday song AT LEAST three times an hour, i feel  better about myself.  and then when i think back to the days of relentless heat&humidity, endless rows upon endless ranges upon endless blocks of shoot-bagging, sleepless nights dreaming of sneaky silks, itchy corn rash on my forearms, farmer's tans when not sunburnt, and mysterious bug bites {i'm talking about corn pollinating if you're not from iowa - informational video here} i feel way better about myself and even grateful.

anyway, thank you college.  maybe i won't be limited to the food industry and corn fields forever.  if i'm being honest {and i am}, i have to tell you that i say this with hesitation.  let me explain.  it's not that i don't know what having a degree can and will do for me.  i'm so glad i'm graduating with a bachelor's degree in april and i've enjoyed the process.  and it's not that i don't want to make use of it.  part of me really wants to use my degree to its fullest potential and the other part of me wonders if my fullest potential can be reached through education. maybe it can.  and it's definitely not that i have an undying passion to be a waitress forever {or -cringe- pollinate corn forever}.  but i don't know if i would call school and education, literature, and english passions either.  it's just that i'm not sure that my education will bring me to my fullest potential as a wife, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, as a mother {someday} - in general, as a human being.  to me, being human means more than what quantifiable successes can tell.  shouldn't a job just be a job?  of course i want tanner and i to enjoy and find satisfaction in what we do, but more than anything i want to pay the bills and spend the rest of our time living our lives together.  so maybe i will go to grad school, or maybe i will get an editing job, or maybe i will be a teacher.  or maybe i won't.  time will tell.  for now, i'll wear this ugly uniform and wait on people hand and foot and enjoy the rest of my time living.  {hi, my name is brighton, can i get you anything else right now?} 


  1. i'm not going to lie. you are pretty hot in that getup

  2. Haha to Tanner's comment!

    I've decided that I only need to feel validated through my OWN expectations/hopes/goals, and NOT through others. It's so hard somedays because I feel like I don't know what I went to college for, and now I'm just receptionist, and I don't know how long I'll be doing that and yadayada. It feels like everyone else in the world has an opinion on what I should be doing, except for me, and that gets me down sometimes. I start thinking "what if," and on the things I should have done differently, and how am I ever going to feel like I've accomplished something? BUT the thing is, I'm happy. I'm married and in love and that's a blessing. Maybe I'll never change the world, but I don't need to worry about that right now. I've never really been ambitious, so why start now? I'll do what I love and be with who I love and just be happy and content.

    Sorry for the novel. I miss our talks like you have no idea.

  3. Brighton, you're getting close here to the Jeremy Rice official doctrine of work. Essentially, pretend you're alive, like, 10,000 years ago. Work wasn't something you did b/c it gave you satisfaction. You hunted and gathered b/c you needed to eat. And when you caught enough food, you stopped hunting for the day. That's it. Sure, if I can hunt in a really pretty forest rather than an ugly one, I'll choose to, but otherwise, this is just about eating.

    Why would I really look at work any differently in modern life? I do it only b/c I need to eat. If it can be fun, cool. But otherwise, that's just not the point. It's about eating. So, I'll do it as much as I need to to eat, and then find satisfaction with the time remaining.

  4. jeremy, that's exactly what i mean.

  5. D&C 93:36, and D&C 130:19
    If I were to error on whether too much or not enough education, it would definetly be too much. You will be such a help to your children, that is my grandchildren when they ask why do I need to go to school and I really need help with my book report. Go for it. Don't look back.
