Monday, January 31, 2011

a dream pet

i have never been, am not, and will probably never be an animal lover.  to be honest, i've really never even liked animals.  i was never the kid waiting in line to hold the class guinea pig, i feel uncomfortable playing with little kittens, and it's a rare moment for me to find a dog "cute." 

tanner on the other hand loves animals of all shapes and sizes and has always wanted a dog of his own.  I would agree to have pet cats, but I really can't do dogs. {i think it all started the day i was chased around and around in circles by a big dog and a dalmatian in my front yard in iowa until i finally made it inside my house only to turn around and traumatically realize the big dog's face had been partially slammed in the door behind me}  anyway, of course tanner is allergic to cats.  so no cats, no dogs, and fish are too boring.

after watching Food Inc last night, which makes me want to go organic, we were wondering how smart pigs really are {dear google, how smart are pigs?} and came across this strangely adorable little pet called a mini pig or sometimes even a "teacup pig."  kind of weird i know, but really so cute and we both agree this would be the perfect pet for us someday.

how could you deny such a face??


  1. how big does it get? a baby would be way cuter :)

  2. these are adorable! I have actually kind of always wanted a pig. now to work on the mister...:) thanks for the idea!

  3. I love katrina's comment! but really brighton -- it's only a matter of time before you must cave and get a dog for your sweet animal loving husband :) either that or a pig!

  4. ahhhhh dog hater!!!! i can't believe my ears (eyes, really)! not to rain on your teacup parade...but i did some research cuz they are adorable, but they rarely stay tiny. and they have major health problems. sad, true story. so i guess you have to get a dog :) your welcome, tanner.

  5. thanks for getting my back shannon! these little pigs are freaking cute by the way

  6. okay Brittany Murphy in UPTOWN girls! i dont like dogs either but a PIG!?! i am with your mom on this one a baby would be much cuter :)

  7. you guys! it's a MINI pig - it stays like a baby!!

  8. there was a couple on my mission that had this kind of tiny little pig. : ) it was way cute but extremely wiggly and hard to hold, but the cutest thing was that you could ALWAYS tell where it was cause his little feet would make clicking noises against the tile floor. haha. : )
