Thursday, October 13, 2011

iowa day 4: madison's birthday and the last of photos

are you sick of iowa yet?  well, i'll be brief.  sunday was madison's birthday - she's 19!  {what???? how did this happen??}  we were excited to be there to celebrate her actual birthday with her seeing how this rarely happens when you live 1200+ miles apart.  we went to church in the morning, test drove my neighbor's subaru into the middle of no where, ate my dad's annual sunday brunch as a family, went to mcfarland park for more food and hide-and-go seek in the prairie {i know, so iowa}( my family goes here for my little sister and grandmother's birthday every year - can you tell my family is tradition-oriented?), and jumped on a late flight back to utah.  we were sad to leave and very sad to land in near-winter weather, especially when we found ourselves lost in a gigantic parking lot looking for our car (literally).  farewell, iowa!  we will be looking forward to seeing you again in december!

here's more pictures, hope you enjoyed my quad-rilogy {is that even a word?}

one thing i love about iowa is that if you drive 5 or 10 minutes in literally any direction, you will be in the middle of nowhere


  1. great pictures and a very fun trip!

  2. oh my goodness, that picture of you and shea and your boys is the cutest thing ever.
    p.s. what in the heck were you guys doing camped out with lawn chairs in the middle of a field??

  3. you have such a fun family glad you got to go spend some time with them. Iowa doesn't look all that bad it kind of looks like a lot of fun!

  4. Your family is so cute, I just can't get over it! Also, Iowa may be the middle of nowhere, but it sure is beautiful!
