Monday, June 13, 2011

the happy pale yellow room

I mentioned earlier that we painted our living room a "happy pale yellow" and although I forgot to take pictures of the actual process, I finally took some pictures of the final product this afternoon and thought I would post.  Originally, one of my goals this summer was to repaint {almost} every room in our apartment - to freshen our place up and to make it more ours since we are planning on staying here for at least 1 more year and {eek} possibly longer - but after painting one room, I am currently on leave from painting altogether.  Not that I didn't enjoy it at all, but it was a bigger project than I thought I was taking on...what with our "curly" wall {that's the name i gave our unique & difficult curved wall to paint {see picture below}}, the cost of triple coating a previously dark toned wall, and of course taping and edging and taping and edging and coating coating coating.  But after all is said and done, I love the end result - the whole place seems so much 



and as promised, here is the curly wall...

when i say a "happy pale yellow," i mean it's a very very very pale yellow.  but when the sun hits it just right, it really does have a hint of yellow and it really is so happy.  and at night when there is no natural light to brighten the place up, our living room is still happy, which is a very welcome change from the beautiful {i did really love the previous color, just not on the walls of my hard-to-lighten living room}  but too often depressing teal color the room was all winter long.  and for my next project...i am thinking of adding a little - like itty-bitty - round table with wire chairs between our couch and the coat closet so we can have a place to eat dinner together. 


  1. It looks great. Trent and I got a teeny, tiny table for our old place at IKEA. They might have the right size for you.

  2. It looks awesome! I'm pretty jealous that you guys can paint your apartment--we can't:(. Looks great though and I love the curvy wall!
