Friday, July 30, 2010

RIP "the rey" (my car)

I was driving to Park City Tuesday with my music turned up almost as loud as it could go (first bad idea) when I noticed my 1990 Toyota Corolla was having some trouble getting up the hills.  I started to get a little worried when I was flooring it and it was barely going 50 mph and I became very worried when the speedometer started dropping below 40, so worried that I turned my music completely off.  And then I heard this funny noise and I had a feeling my car was not going to make it up the hill, so I pulled over and it died on the shoulder of Highway 40 right next to Jordanelle Reservoir, which by the way is not the same thing as Deer Creek.  I'm sure that's why the tow truck (and Danielle) had such a hard time finding me.

My car apparently ran out of oil which caused the engine to cease, which basically means no more car.  And the best part about it is that I can't even tell you how many times my dad has told me to check the oil, but I promise that despite his frequent reminders, checking my oil never even crossed my mind.  After waiting an hour on the side of the highway, I guarantee I will probably be so paranoid I won't be needing any reminders.

Well, it's time to move on, but it was a good car.  Rest in peace "The Rey."


  1. ohhhhh. sad little brighton. i really love this picture. and i love not ever checking my oil as well.

  2. hahahahahaha that is pretty funny. sad but funny. but almost the exact same thing happened to me at the exact same place! the difference is that i had changed my oil about 2 weeks earlier. there was a leak in my engine and heading up the hill near jordenelle my car began to sputter and finally died. the engine was literally on fire. oh and it was in january, so lots of snow out.
