Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Am I turning into a homemaker or what?

First off...Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Birthday to Chris a week ago, and Happy Birthday to Carly and Rocco today!  Did I miss anyone?

Now onto the cupcake.  Last night I was looking for delicious cupcake recipes and stumbled onto this blog, and I found the most amazing cupcake I have ever seen in my life and I knew that this was the ultimate cupcake.  Note: I am pretty much copying the above blog, but in my opinion, these are definitely blog-worthy.

First, I made a rich chocolate cake (cheating with a box) and I successfully made strawberry italian meringue buttercream for the first time.  I tried to make this frosting a few months ago and it turned out like soup, so I was happy this one turned out.

This is about when Danielle showed up.

Then I melted baker's chocolate, and after the frosting had set in the refrigerator, we dipped them like cones.

They dried with a matte finish - p.s. all of the prettiest ones were already gone by the time I took this picture.

Cut in half.  The frosting is seriously the most amazing part.

A happy Tanner enjoying one for breakfast.

I had to blog about these because I'm very surprised/happy/impressed with myself that they turned out, aren't they cute?  They are delicious too if you can manage how rich they are...so thank you to A Cup Full of Cake!  


  1. oh. my. holy. moly. crapa moly! I am salivating right now and seriously dying. am I capable of making these because I'm dying!?

  2. look at you little brightsy. you're quite the little homemaker indeed. too bad i missed out on the 9th wonder of the world!!! dang. can i please put in a request for you to make them in may. for the wedding. johnny and heather will be glad i made the request for them! xo

  3. oh. and you + danielle look like two adorable women from the 50's. i know. you're welcome.

  4. cutest cupcake making wife in the world

  5. I agree with tanner, cutest cupcake making wife in the world :)

  6. I want one! Hey where are your braces? Do you take them off when you have pics taken and put them back on when you come to see me?

  7. Brighton! Love the blog, and I'm jealous of these cupcakes:) What a great wife you are.

  8. THOSE look awesome! Great job. Glad I could be of assistance!! And isn't the strawberry italian meringue buttercream TO DIE FOR yummy?? My fave!!

  9. i love this post! its so very fabulous! i think the cupcakes are amazingly beautiful and i think that you should blow up the pictures and decorate your home with them! that is how wonderful they look. someday i will have to make these and eat them all and not share with anyone. jealous of you and Danielle and that you hang out all the time miss you both and tanner too!
