Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vegas 2010

This past weekend we drove to Vegas for Gus's first birthday party, and I cannot believe it was only one year ago that we drove down on a Saturday morning for a very short 24-hour trip to meet him for the first time.  When did the years start going by so fast?  Maybe I'm getting old.  Anyway, it was an especially fun trip because we got to hang out with Johnny & Heather & Eliza, Vicky & John, Azy's mom - Allison, and of course Chris & Azy & Gus.  And of course, no trip to Vegas is complete without losing a little money to the roulette table and being hypnotized (i.e. attempted to be hypnotized) by a street hypnotist on the strip.  Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of those events, but I did document Gus's party, which was way more fun anyway.
Gus and his birthday cake that he was so nervous to touch
so fun to see Johnny&Heather
Birthday boy and his family
Eliza wearing her dress that she refused
to take off all weekend - so cute
Tanner and Gus
Gus and Eliza both distracted with something over my head
no birthday party is complete
without party hats

And not to steal Gus's thunder - but it is November 11th - which means a happy happy birthday to Vicky!  Check out her birthday post on Carly's blog here.


  1. This is a cute post- and I hope you got to get in some shopping- but the family time looks fabulous, too! Aren't nieces and nephews the best?? You posted again before I got to comment on your last post, but I wanted to say that I remember when you first started at the Sumo and you'd lost your keys at the mall. We were feeling so bad for you, and then Tanner had to come get you- or give you new keys, I can't remember, but he was so nice and told the girls that it happened all the time... It's cute when husband will love us for being neurotic. I lose my phone every single day. Every night I panic and make greg call it, and think back to where I've been all day, but then it's usually at the bottom of my purse or in my car. Ok that's all. Love you!

  2. He is the cutest chubby little baby I've ever seen! And p.s. You should come visit me!!

  3. Your camera is WAY better then mine!! i LOVE your pictures! So glad you guys came down. I only wish we had more hanging out time... dang! miss you guys
