Thursday, November 18, 2010

please alway parking here more better

I found this hilarious note as I was "cleaning" today and I meant to blog about this (shhhh) months ago.  For some reason I had left my car at Elizabeth's house overnight, which is only 5 or 6 blocks away from our apartment, and when I woke up the next morning, I realized what I did and had to practically run over to her house to make it to class in time.  When I saw someone had left a note on my car - which usually entails something nasty and rude - I felt annoyed, until I actually read it, after which I couldn't stop laughing.

I guess I did a bad parking job.


  1. hilarious! i wonder where the author is from???

  2. Hahaha this reminds me of the asian people that call into where I work. ...And hopefully that doesn't sound racist.
    I miss you!

  3. hahahahahaha i had to read that like, 50 times to finally understand what they meant.

  4. i love this! and do you think the second pen means that they edited it? and maybe they are actually complimenting your parking? maybe it means "please always park like this."

  5. i actually got to witness this note in real life...i am truly happy about it! and i love your aunt's comment about them possibly editing it. because it looks like that is exactly what happened. best note ever brighton. you lucky girl.
