Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have not posted in nearly 2 months almost and as you can imagine, we have been significantly less busy since the end of the semester.  BUT....surprisingly, we have been busier than I here are a few pictures to document the end of april and all of may.

i finally had lithotripsy and crushed my second stone...
...which means my kidneys are currently stone-free...
{this is not the litho stone but the previous one}

I graduated...

...and my family came to visit

then tanner graduated...

...and we went to a show where my husband's work was 
all. over. the. place. {so proud}

the only disappointing thing about spring this year is that it has looked almost consistently like this...

Okay, so maybe this doesn't make it look like we have been really all that busy, but in between these photos we worked {and tanner still went to school and is still going to school}, played with friends & family, painted our living room a happy pale yellow, de-cluttered the nasty anxiety-inducing corners of our home, watched desperate housewives until three every morning {sorry tanner, i had to tell}, almost went to Vegas and then decided last minute to stay in Utah for the weekend, laid out on our roof and got sunburns that turned into tans, slept in here and there... and have enjoyed being busy with nothing stressful at all {well, mostly} 

first real goal of summer: take more pictures for all of you to see and for me to remember.


  1. yay for graduating!!! that's so awesome! next time you visit we'll have to get together

  2. congrats congrats! the light at the end of the tunnel :)

  3. Yay for graduating and posting!! P.S. I am coming to Utah at the end of June, and we should do lunch or something!

  4. we loved visiting - and i want to see pictures of the painted living room!

  5. congrats on all the exciting events in life! passing your stones!! graduating! tanner's art on display! family in town! making girls look like women with beautiful doe eyes! watching kindergarten cop...that should have been top of your list, btw! goodness. so much fun, so little time.
