Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh, to be a server in Utah County

Tanner and I almost always work Friday nights at Pizza Factory - one of the finer places to dine in dinner  in Provo - and I never cease to be surprised by the general public.  This weekend was especially shocking.  Tanner had a table that was upset by the prices from the start, however, they decided to order the "overpriced" food despite their grumbling.  Obviously, as servers, we don't make the prices and can't lower them for our cheap customers.  What did they expect?

Oh, I'm sorry about that, let me change that price for you tonight, or better yet, I'll give it to you for free!

Anyway, Tanner apologized and told them they could speak with the manager and even dropped off a $5-off coupon for next time - on which they wrote they had no use for the coupon because they were never coming back.  And then they left this lovely note on the table next to a crumpled dollar bill.

And other days you get customers who show you their temple recommend like it's a coupon.  You never know what you're going to get.

Someday we'll have real jobs.


  1. oh, provo. that's ridiculous. so glad i deal with screaming children instead of crazy customers now.

  2. that is ridiculous...and i don't even think that is a bad price for a kids meal!

  3. i'm so mad right now. i want to beat the bleepedy bleep out of these weird people! when i come to utah and fine dine with you two as my servers, you're gonna get a nice chunk of change. until then....good luck with the freaks.

  4. oh my gosh - that is so hysterical! and zeb's comment made me laugh even harder :)

  5. nO WAY! this is robbery they should be punished!! lame!!

  6. soooo lame! who takes out menu prices on the server??!

  7. Papa and I love seeing what you're doing (and what people are doing to you). Thanks for writing the blog. Can't wait to see you in a while. Gran

  8. when eating:
    food + people = the best
    when serving:
    food + people = hell

  9. I would murder the shit out of that persons face.
