Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh, to be a server in Utah County

Tanner and I almost always work Friday nights at Pizza Factory - one of the finer places to dine in dinner  in Provo - and I never cease to be surprised by the general public.  This weekend was especially shocking.  Tanner had a table that was upset by the prices from the start, however, they decided to order the "overpriced" food despite their grumbling.  Obviously, as servers, we don't make the prices and can't lower them for our cheap customers.  What did they expect?

Oh, I'm sorry about that, let me change that price for you tonight, or better yet, I'll give it to you for free!

Anyway, Tanner apologized and told them they could speak with the manager and even dropped off a $5-off coupon for next time - on which they wrote they had no use for the coupon because they were never coming back.  And then they left this lovely note on the table next to a crumpled dollar bill.

And other days you get customers who show you their temple recommend like it's a coupon.  You never know what you're going to get.

Someday we'll have real jobs.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Tanner is in a photography class in school and learning to use our Canon Rebel.  I bought it this summer and LOVE it, but I don't always know how to use it when I'm not in perfect natural lighting.  Hopefully by the end of the semester he'll be an expert.

He had to do an assignment where he had to take portraits to represent people and these are some of his shots...
Danielle, a zebra

Azy a week before she had Gus

Tanner's dad, John, a dentist and award winning portrait of the class

...And, a portrait of our Halloween treat - a creep cake

This is what we do most of the time - Tanner sits at his computer working on projects and I read poetry while trying to write stories.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Welcome to the world, Gus!

Gus Capua was born November 6, 2009 - Friday afternoon.  Vicky texted us play by play updates the entire day and we were so excited when he was finally born.  So excited that we decided to drive to Las Vegas Saturday morning to meet Gus and visit Chris and Azy.  We had a fun 24 hours and it was well worth the drive.

happy family
cutest newborn i've ever seen
happy new dad
Also, on the drive home, we stopped at In-N-Out Burger in St George - debated first whether to even eat there, then whether we should use the drive thru or order inside, and then if we should sit inside or outside - and eventually ended up eating outside and we found $53 under the table.  Definitely worth the stop, lucky us.

p.s. clearly i am having trouble figuring out blogspot.

Monday, November 2, 2009

lovely life

Exactly one year ago, I was standing right here - getting lost on an island south of China with some friends.  I would never have guessed I would be married right now, but I couldn't be happier and wouldn't change a thing.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A belly of laugh and a belly of fun

Monday, we went to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point with Erica and Alex. We were expecting to find a pumpkin patch - a big field full of pumpkins still on the vine - and hopefully some hot apple cider. Instead, we found hundreds of pumpkins in piles off the vine, a corn maze in the shape of Larry H. Miller's head, and the inside of a giant monster. Not a bad trade off.

There was a lot of posing.